At Meclyn we will:
Comply with environmental laws and regulations.
Ensure an environmental management framework that includes environment standards, practices and procedures is developed, implemented and reviewed to identify and manage our material environmental risks.
Develop a culture of sustainable environmental management by: developing the awareness and involvement of our employees; implementing programs for environmental management and energy reduction.
Establish business unit-specific environment management strategies for reducing our rate of emissions and energy through improvement initiatives that are economically viable.
Commit to actively considering the use of alternative energy sources and low emissions technology, as they become economically viable.
Share best practices for environmental management and energy efficiency across our Divisions.
Incorporate environmental and energy conservation considerations into our business decision-making processes, particularly for capital allocation.
Engage with our suppliers, customers and joint venture partners to develop improved environmental sustainability practices.
The safety of people, the impact Meclyn has on the environment and the reputation of Toll is paramount to all of us and compliance with this Policy will enable us to achieve this.